and Natural Funeral Directors
Owned by the Vale family...Not only will we support you so you can create a special farewell, but we look after your loved ones too
The Meadow

Busnant Farm is in a remote valley in the hills of Radnorshire. This unspoiled valley has a thin scattering of farms and dwellings, with Busnant Farm being completely on its own, having no immediate neighbours. The hill overlooking the meadow comprises of 7,000 acres and is a site of special scientific interest (SSSI), being full of heather and winberries. At the peak of the hill, you can walk for miles in total open countryside with spectacular views.
The meadow is in a unique spot; it is approached from a quiet country road and is not overlooked by any other property, having total privacy. It is very tranquil and peaceful, away from the drone of busy traffic. The meadow is south-facing, gently sloping down towards a stream in the next field.
For a number of years, the meadow has been kept as a hay meadow, having a variety of wild flowers. By introducing more native flowers, our aim is to turn the meadow into an old fashioned traditional hay meadow, which will help to support a wide variety of wildlife. At certain times of the year, we allow a small number of sheep to graze the meadow which will help to establish some of the traditional plants. The meadow will also provide a crop of hay in late summer for the sheep which live on the farm.
Silver Birch Glade
Silver Birch Glade is located in the far corner of the hay meadow, where a Silver Birch tree can be planted in memory of your loved one. A path runs through Silver Birch Glade, leading towards a gate which opens out into the woodland. In early Celtic mythology, the birch symbolised renewal and purification. When mature , the Silver Birch tree can reach up to 30m in height, forming a light canopy with elegant, drooping branches. The trees will only be planted between November and February in order for them to flourish in their new environment.
We will care for the trees, prune when necessary and water, especially during its first summer following planting.